
Published: March 2021

The Blocksize War: The battle for control over Bitcoin’s protocol rules

This book covers Bitcoin’s blocksize war, which was waged from August 2015 to November 2017. On the surface the battle was about the amount of data allowed in each Bitcoin block, however it exposed much deeper issues, such as who controls Bitcoin’s protocol rules. The account in this book includes discussions with the key players from both sides during the war, exploring their motivations, strategy and thought processes as the exhausting campaign progressed and developed.

Published: November 2022

Reckless: The Story Of Cryptocurrency Interest Rates

This book begins by providing a brief history of interest rates. It discusses the perplexing conundrum of how to determine the most appropriate base interest rate in an economy. The book then moves over to the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, cataloguing various interest rates, quasi-interest rates and different yield structures which have existed throughout the ecosystem’s short thirteen year life. The book contrasts some of these structures with those in the world of traditional finance and economics.

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